DOI: 10.18413/2408-932X-2023-9-1-0-15

A. Koni in Russian philosophy of law (reflections on the book by A. Kodintsev and others (2022), Humanitarian research of Anatoly Fedorovich Koni, Nestor-Istoriya, St. Petersburg)

The article actualizes the interdisciplinary aspects of the Russian philosophy of law, presented in the newly published monograph by A.Ya. Kodintsev, D.V. Rybin and N.N. Shtykova, devoted to the humanitarian aspects of A.F. Koni. It is shown that for the first time in the modern history of the philosophy of law, the monograph comprehensively presents the creative heritage of the outstanding Russian legal scholar Anatoly Fedorovich Koni (the structure and content of the most important parts of the monograph are commented). The analysis of the newly published book allows, as the authors of the article believe, to outline the prospects for the contextualization of further studies of the works of A.F. Koni, a hermeneutic reconstruction of his archive, which contains evidence of the ethical-philosophical, psychological and other practical philosophical foundations of the professional and literary-creative initiatives of the Russian lawyer and thinker.

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