Fridtjof Nansen and Taimyr
(about the seminar dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Nobel Peace Prize)
The article characterizes the scientific, expeditionary and political aspects of the life of F. Nansen: a scientist, traveler, political figure, which were considered from different angles by the participants of the Nansen seminar in Murmansk (December 6, 2022). The events of F. Nanesen's life unfolded in the disturbing conditions of two World Wars, the revolution in Russia, as well as travels in the harsh expanses of the Arctic. The materials of the seminar analyzed in the article show that F. Nansen was one of the pioneers of the Russian Arctic, who, along with his predecessors (Russian polar sailors of the 17th century, members of Russian and European polar scientific expeditions of the 16th-19th centuries), contributed to the construction of the Northern Sea a route that goes around the northernmost point of Eurasia - Cape Chelyuskin on the Taimyr Peninsula.
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