Peculiarities of children's lies: a view from Japan
The article considers the phenomenon of children's lies in Japanese society. Japanese educators and parents point out that lying in children is caused by many factors and the peculiarities of a particular situation. The specificity of children's lies is that they are a product of a rich, inseparable creative imagination and children's magical fantasies. So children's lies can be naive and harmless. Children do not yet have enough sophistication to lie skillfully. On the other hand, it can be a cause for concern to parents and teachers, because it can distort and deform the child's personality. Effective strategies against children's lies and principles of education of honesty are discussed in special school classes. An essential component of Japanese upbringing is to teach how to live in community, in harmony with others, and lying can lead to loss of trust of those to whom the words of the lie have been spoken. As Japanese parents and educators say, children need to learn kinds of lying in various social situations and how to behave so as not to hurt the feelings of others. Children's lying, as an important social skill, may be related to empathy, cooperation, and concern for others.
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The author expresses her gratitude to the teacher of the Higher School of Economics Anna Sergeevna Oskina for the materials provided.