Ontological fallacy of absolutization of “materialistic” science
In order to find ways to improve the effectiveness of modern science and identify untapped spiritual potential, the article analyzes the relationship of some epochal heuristic stages with the religious beliefs of their "culprits" (pioneers in science). The arguments are given not only about the absence of contradictions between science and faith, but the need for their special synthesis and interpenetration. The author demonstrates the pattern of “insane” (which determined the course of historical development) discoveries by scientists and thinkers with deep theological knowledge and a theistic worldview. It is concluded that the perspective development of modern science is not possible on the basis of syllogistics within the theories of deductive reasoning and argumentation without the use of the relativistic principle (correlating in a special way with the scholasticism of religions). Particular attention is drawn to the role of intuitive insight/descending grace for "prepared minds" in making their discoveries. It is indicated that the limitation of heuristics by vulgar materialism, following rationality, the axiomatic method, "banal" logic, Euclidean geometry, etc., is not capable of providing new epoch-making knowledge. The thesis was proclaimed about the viciousness of the "materialistic" nature of science and the uncompromising prospects of theological irrationality for solving boundless creative tasks.
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