DOI: 10.18413/2408-932X-2023-9-3-0-3

M. Gauchet's Theory of the Exit from the Religious: Another Reading of Secular Transformation of Society

The article considers the main points of the French historian and philosopher M. Gauchet's conception as applied to the specificity of the process of secularization in West-European society. The key points of the theory are marked, according to which the development and sociopolitical problems within modern democratic societies are a consequence of the process defined by the scientist as an exit from the religious sphere. The starting point for this process was the formation of statehood, which entailed the formalization of the idea of history and the idea of a transcendent God. It became the basis for the system of interaction with the divine and the hierarchical structure of society. The author considers in detail the process of change in the axiological basis of Western cultures, which through the formation of the legal system and the development of market interaction came to the loss of the concept of the primacy of the collective good and a pronounced focus on individual interests. It is analyzed how the aggravation of individualistic dominance in the society threatens the unity of the society, thereby going to self-destruction. The author notes the prognostic conclusions of the French scientist on the need to develop a new theory of history, political order and social relations to prevent conflict situations.

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