DOI: 10.18413/2408-932X-2023-9-4-0-1

Interdisciplinarity as a phenomenon of modern science, or
On the relevance of the ideas of M.K. Petrov

The article problematizes the ideas of the famous philosopher and methodologist of science Mikhail Konstantinovich Petrov (1923-1987), whose centenary we celebrated in April 2023. Proposed at the time by M.K. Petrov, the idea of a socio-code, as well as provisions on changes in the socio-cultural status and basic epistemological characteristics of contemporary science are discussed in the article not only in their substantive content, but also in terms of presenting the problem field in which they turn out to be very relevant today. The focus is on the concept of interdisciplinarity, which M.K. Petrov explored as a sociocultural phenomenon through the prism of human-sizedness and revealed its significance for fundamental and applied research programs.

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