“Cosmophysical processes” in their observable universality: open questions in the research of A. L. Chizhevsky and S. E. Shnoll
The work is devoted to the consideration of two phenomena – the cycle of solar activity (SA), equal to 11 years and the "Schnoll effect". Both phenomena are connected with the periodicity of phenomena and the "universality" of these phenomena, which is completely incomprehensible from the point of view of modern physics. The first phenomenon is associated with the influence on historical processes, which is well known from the works of A.L. Chizhevsky. The second phenomenon is associated with the "fine structure" of various observed statistical processes of various physical, chemical, biological, etc. nature. They also have a clear periodicity associated with "cosmophysical factors". As a possible justification for the observed effects, the hypothesis is put forward that the observed universality of these effects may be related to the "generalized Mach’s principle", the development of which is given in binary geometrophysics.
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