New religious consciousness in the poetic work of Z. N. Gippius
The present paper deals with such a theme of creative activity of the representatives of the Silver Age culture as the development of the philosophy of the new religious consciousness. The term "new religious consciousness" was proposed by the senior Symbolists and was actively and creatively used by Dmitry Merezhkovsky and Zinaida Gippius. The purpose of this article is to identify the role of the phenomenon of new religious consciousness in the formation of both the literary work of the Symbolists and their socio-philosophical views. It corresponded to the philosophical task set by Vladimir Solovyov – to work not only in the sphere of spirituality, but also in the socio-political life of his contemporary society. At the same time, new religious and worldview ideas were considered as a kind of ideology that would be able to free the mass consciousness of the Russian people from the influence of the state-sponsored activity of the Orthodox Church in Russia. The methodological approach, which is implemented in the article, can be defined as historical-cultural, as it provides an opportunity to analyze the dialogue interaction of various representatives of the Russian Silver Age. The philosophical categories of love-eros and love as the highest spiritual value became the foundation of the new religious consciousness and the creative paradigm of the Silver Age cultural pillars of Tolstoy, Solovyov, Merezhkovsky, Gippius and others.
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