N. V. Ustryalov’s aesthetic ant etatist patriotism
The relevance of the appeal to the concept of Homeland and patriotism by N.V. Ustryalov is determined by the similarity of the scale of cultural and political changes in the country and the world at the beginning of the 20th century and today. The concept of patriotism of the thinker was formed on the basis of an analysis of a specific socio-cultural situation and the formulation of its own definitions of categories such as "Motherland" and "state". The chosen methodology for analyzing his works combines the logical and philosophical method, the method of contextual analysis, and the method of comparative studies. As a result, it is proposed to give the concept of N.V. Ustryalov the name "aesthetic and etatist patriotism" and indicate its main provisions. Homeland is an aesthetic value, the form of existence of which, the state, combines the material and the social. Of the three components of the state, according to N.V. Ustryalov, the leading role belongs to the territory. Justifying his transition to the side of the Soviet government, the thinker points out that the actions of the Bolsheviks objectively contribute to the collection of the lands of the Russian Empire, and the national culture, including the culture of various nations, is being improved. Therefore, the Soviet state can legitimately be called a form of existence of the Motherland. Patriotism has qualities of aesthetic value, because it is truly human and aimed at affirming the beautiful, the priority of creative activity. The Ustryalov’s concept of aesthetic and etatist patriotism removes the contradiction between the high spiritual content of patriotism as a shrine and the utilitarianism of everyday tasks solved by social actors and it allows you to formulate specific criteria for people’s support for the authorities.
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