The Significance of Evolutionary Concepts in Biology for the Formation of Evolutionary and Ecological Thinking
This article is devoted to the philosophical analysis of the theoretical and methodological foundations of evolutionary and ecological thinking. The conceptual development of such thinking is a crucial direction in the advancement of modern life sciences. However, within the foundations of evolutionary and ecological interpretation across various biological fields, contradictions between evolutionary and ecological approaches are explicitly evident. This situation arises because the ecological approach views humans as an active factor in the evolution of their environment while simultaneously assuming their natural immutability, i.e., considering them the pinnacle of evolution. The author attempts to identify the principles for selecting evolutionary theories and concepts that underpin the formation of evolutionary and ecological thinking. In this context, the author addresses various branches of evolutionism, such as classical Darwinism, the synthetic theory of evolution, nomogenesis, autogenesis, orthogenesis, catastrophism, neo-Lamarckism, Autopoietic Theory, mutual aid, and symbiosis in evolution. The conclusion is drawn that effective evolutionary and ecological thinking cannot rely solely on the biological characteristics of evolutionism but requires a philosophical understanding of the cultural and historical status of humans in the world.
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