Humanitarianization of ecology as a method of combating the ecological crisis
The article is devoted to the analysis of the current modern trend in environmental science – the humanitarization of ecology, in which the author sees a new way to combat the environmental crisis. Practice shows that the existing measures to combat the crisis are not effective enough. It seems more appropriate to act through the formation of environmental consciousness and environmental culture, in the structure of which the emotional and personal component, empathy, and aesthetic attitude to nature play a crucial role. Modern man is catastrophically alienated from nature, his environment has long been irreducible to the natural one, it includes cultural, social and symbolic environments. The unifying methodological principle for a range of environmental disciplines, including the humanities (ecology of the visual and digital environment, ecology of language, ecology of culture) is the environmental approach. Not opposing culture, but refracting in cultural contexts, nature at a new, more meaningful level, should be included in the life world of modern man. Methods of the humanities are actively penetrating ecology. The author comes to the conclusion that the humanization of ecology helps to combat the ecological crisis through a new approach to nature (through understanding, experience, and not explanation).
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