DOI: 10.18413/2408-932X-2024-10-3-1-0

The Image of Russia: "An Account of the Reforms of Peter the Great" by Kang Youwei

The article presents a translation of part of the essay “An Account of the Reforms of Peter the Great” by the Chinese philosopher and politician Kang Yu-wei (1858-1927), leader of the reform movement "One Hundred Days Reforms" in China in the late 19th century. The material in the article allows us to 1) to recall how the "Association for Strengthening the State" came into being; 2) to find out how the interaction between Kang Yu-wei and Emperor Zai Tian took place during the "Hundred Days of Reforms", analysing the evidence for the necessity of changes presented by the reformers; 3) to reveal the theoretical justification of the reforms presented by Kang Yu-wei; 4) to show the attitude towards the personality of Peter the Great as a model of a talented ruler and his activities as an example of successful reforms.

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