The Life of Saint Tryphon of Vyatka as a historical source of information about Perm the Great XVI–XVII centuries
The article deals with the works of researchers, whose sphere of interest is the biography of the Russian saint, the Monk Tryphon of Vyatka - a monk of the Pyskor Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery, a hermit, the founder of the Dormition Monastery on the Chusovaya River and three monasteries on the Vyatka River. Special attention is paid to the analysis and interpretation of the peculiarities of ethnic history and migration processes that took place on the territory of the Kama region in the 16-17th centuries with hagiographic works about Trifon of Vyatka, among which the leading place is occupied by the hagiography of the saint, written by an unknown monk of the Vyatka Trifon Monastery. The authors, based on the content of the saint's hagiography and other written sources, cover his enlightenment activities in the Perm fiefdoms of the Stroganov salt producers. Traces the aspiration of Tryphon to realize by his enlightening pilgrimages in the Perm lands the ideal of God-pleasing existence. The obtained results of the study of the texts of the hagiography of Tryphon of Vyatka may be of interest in the study, analysis and comparison of various historical stages of the formation of Perm the Great within the Russian state.
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