DOI: 10.18413/2408-932X-2024-10-3-1-4

Two stages of autofiction development

The article examines the socio-literary phenomenon of “auto-fiction” as a continuous process, the study of which requires systematization of existing research and a more careful study of those which are not yet completed on its new stage of development of the phenomenon of “auto-fiction”. The article proposes to divide the history of autofiction development into two stages: “genre” and “ego-documentary”. The “ego-documentary stage” is examined in detail, namely: it is determined how changes in the perception of autobiography influenced autofiction; the acquired ego-documentary features in autofiction are identified; it is studied how ego-document researchers examine autofictional works; it has been suggested that there is a connection between autofiction and photography in the context of expanding the form of autofictional works. The novelty of the study lies in the application of an interdisciplinary approach, thanks to which it becomes possible to study the reasons of changes in autofiction. This article is relevant due to the study of the modern phenomenon of autofiction and its wide field of application, since it can be used in the field of cultural studies, sociology, philology, psychology, philosophy and many others. As a result of the study, it was revealed that the perception of auto-fiction in the “genre” and “ego-documentary” stages of development is radically different, which justifies the division into stages; the ego-documentary features that auto-fiction acquires are identified, and the direction for an even greater expansion of the concept of “auto-fiction” is determined. It hase affected both the form of the literary work and its content.

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