Characteristics of the Russian spiritual tradition as a formative source of national culture
The article is devoted to the study of the influence of the Russian spiritual tradition on the national culture in its main value and semantic connotations, which are based on the spiritual and moral attitude to life in the broadest sense. The phenomenological approach in its classical version, closely connected with theology, allowed the author not only to consider in detail the phenomena produced by the Russian religious tradition, but also, on the basis of the principle "from the phenomenon to the essence", as it is given in the experience of the Church, to bring the understanding of the Russian cultural code to the meta-ontological level. With the help of the comparative-historical method, the personality has been studied as a phenomenon of Eastern and Western Christian cultures; the peculiarities of its quality, as they developed in different religious traditions, have been correlated with the cultural and civilisational changes present in European society today; the concept of "moral tension", as it was historically and metaphysically present in Russian culture, has been understood. The author concludes that the living perception of the Triune God, as a peculiarity of Russian religious consciousness, is not only necessarily present in the tradition of spiritual and moral perfection of the individual, but is also manifested in the domestic spiritual and intellectual culture, as well as in the socio-cultural realities of public life in Russia.
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