Hermeneutic and phenomenological experience of interpreting the problem of invective vocabulary
The present study examines the relevance of the problem of increasing aggression in society, with a particular focus on the phenomenon of invective, defined as a form of aggressive and offensive speech that is especially prevalent in everyday and virtual communication. The study explores the spread of verbal aggression in its most rudimentary form – obscene speech – among children, adolescents, and young people. The investigation of invective and obscene vocabulary as a subject of research has its origins in human nature and is not subject to dissolution with the development of civilisation, instead performing a certain functionality in the history and culture of different peoples. Concurrently, invective speech has not yet been subjected to in-depth, comprehensive analysis in domestic philosophy. The present study proposes a comprehensive analysis of this phenomenon, arguing that the integration of phenomenological and hermeneutic traditions enables the interpretation of consciousness and language. The investigation focuses on the impact of lexical expressions of invective on the formation of personality and worldview in children. The study's primary conclusions are as follows: 1) The initial "ontological activity" of consciousness, expressed in language, as a reflection of the need for sensory manifestation in a negative attitude towards something or someone, as an emotional "burst" of aggression in invective vocabulary, that is, not in action, but in articulation, has its positive properties; 2) The manifestation of such speech in society in different eras is conditioned by the need for interaction. between individuals and the evaluation of a particular phenomenon, both positive and negative; 3) the distinctive nature of modern society, in which information supersedes knowledge, leads to an increase in computer languages that replace living language, resulting in the impoverishment of language and the proliferation of invective and obscene vocabulary; 4) in contrast to preceding eras, the contemporary language is progressively losing its capacity for emotional expression. The vocabulary used for insulting or provoking others, while historically significant, currently signifies little to nothing. Fifthly, the language used by young people can be a barometer for the socio-cultural state of society. The use of impolite and impoverished language can be indicative of societal decadence, the breakdown of generational ties, the continuity of traditions and high style, and the destruction of the civilizational foundations of society and culture.
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