Readings in Memory of N.N. Strakhov: The Sphere of Conversation Among Scholars andPhilosophers
The article presents a retrospective review of the Readings in Memory of N.N. Strakhov - an event that has become a landmark in Russian intellectual culture. Thanks to the research and organisational initiatives of the Belgorod State National Research University, the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), the journal Voprosy Filosofii, the Institute of World Literature of the RAS, it is possible to identify the key stages in the formation of a scholarly community focused on the soil-based or organic tradition of Russian hermeneutic thought of the 19th and 20th centuries. The most prominent representative of this tradition was N.N. Strakhov, a thinker from St. Petersburg and a native of Belgorod. Although the final points in the study of his intellectual legacy have not yet been placed, even on the basis of existing publications and research, it can be said that Strakhov's archive is an illustrative example of an archive of the epoch. Returning to Strakhov's texts - his studies, critical works and correspondence - each time reveals in a unique way the sphere of conversation among the scholars and philosophers of his time. It is precisely for this reason that major conference events such as the Readings in Memory of N.N. Strakhov, in a certain sense, consolidate the Russian philosophical community. The chronicle of these Readings, as the article shows, has a clear perspective for the development of interdisciplinary dialogue (between historians of philosophy, physiologists, and literary scholars), while turning to Strakhov's sphere of conversation and that of his interlocutors opens up a series of new studies dedicated to Russian philosophy in its dialogical completeness and hermeneutic openness.
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The research has been performed within the project supported by Russian Science Foundation No. 23-28-01799 “Archive of an epoch of N.N. Strakhov: existential contexts and interdisciplinary intersections”.