OdysseusandResonance: review of the book by Yuk Hui Art and Cosmotechnics (Moscow, AST, 2024. 384 p.)
The review reflects on the manifestations of reflexivity and perspective in Yuka Hui's books published in Russian. The books of the popular author have interested the Russian and international philosophical community with the author's attempt not only to re-describe the world, but also to make progress in promoting philosophical, scientific and political dialogue between the cultural "worlds" of the West and the East.
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Hui, Yuk (2024), Iskusstvo i kosmotekhnika [Art and Cosmotechnics], Translated by Smolyak, A. V., in Matveyenko, V. A. (ed.), AST Publishing House, Moscow, Russia (in Russ.).
Borisov, D. (2020), “Coming Cyberwars of the Catastrophe Era: A Brief Introduction to the Philosophy of Yuk Hui. Ontology of Digital Objects, Contingency, and Cosmotechnics”, Gorky Media. 16 June 2020 (in Russ.), available at: (Accessed 24 August 2024).
Hui, Yuk (2020), Rekursivnost i kontingentnost [Recursivity and Contingency], Translated by Kralechkin, D., V-A-C Press, Moscow, (in Russ.).
Hui, Yuk (2023), Vopros o tekhnike v Kitaye [The Question Concerning Technology in China: An Essay in Cosmotechnics], Transl. by Shalaginov, D., Ad Marginem, Moscow, Russia (in Russ.).
Ivakhnenko, E. N. (2022) “Towards a ‘New Epistemology’: Yuk Hui’s recursivity and contingency”, Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 59 (3), 220–233 (in Russ.).
Koroleva, M. (2021), “Not Everywhere Life. About Yuk Hui's Book Recursivity and Contingency”, Spectate, 12.03.2021 (in Russ.), available at: (Accessed 11 November 2024)
Kuchinov, E. (2019), “Made in China: kosmotekhnika (pl.)” [Made in China: Space Technology (pl.)], Stadis, 1, 125–135. (In Russ.)
Shipovalova, L. V. (2022) “Recursivity and contingency: To the question of governance in the digital era”, Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 38(3), 397-409, DOI:10.21638/spbu17.2022.311 (in Russ.).