On the example of the novel “Lolazor” (“Tulips field”) written by M. Muhammad Do’st, the author of the article tries to study the problem of typification of the heroes of the ironical literary work. In the process of typification of the hero the author has chosen his peculiar properties of expressing his relation to the surrounding world as a basic principle. Peculiar relation to the surrounding world is mainly expressed by his inner position. The difference between inner and outer positions of the hero is the fact which serves as the main reason for his ironical relation where appears the difference between the notions ‘I-for-myself’ and ‘I-to-others’. This very reason brings on the uniqueness of the ironical modus in the novel. The ironical relation of the author and that of the hero is based on the contradiction between personality and character of the hero. It has been stressed that the choice of this type as the main hero of the work is the most optimal version for expressing the literary aim of the writer. The character and the personality of the hero are contrasted with the main types of the stories of that time and their differences and similarities have been displayed.
Keywords: irony,
ironical relation,
literary modus,
ironical modus,
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