10.18413 /2408-932X-2014-1-1-46-53
The goal of the article is to substantiate the standpoint that the process of awakening of national self-awareness is reflected in the Russian romanticism which developed and gained a foothold in the European historical and literary context, conceiving itself, fully internalizing its artistic and theoretical experience, being a phenomenon both national and international.
Methodologically the article is presented in the form of philosophical and literary analysis of the evolutionary path of Russian romanticism, the role of Pushkin A.S. and romantic poets in the process of re-thinking of literature functions and its role in shaping the people’s national identity. The output of the research is the explication of dialectics of "insider" and "outsider" in the works of Russian romantic poets and the role of Pushkin A.S. in the development of Russian national identity of the XIX century.
The results of the study can be used in the construction of theoretical and methodological models of national identity development.
The main conclusions are the following: the awakening of national self-awareness and the evolution of Russian social thinking in the era of romanticism had no nationalistic isolation; Pushkin created the Russian version of Romanticism different from Western European, but not extending beyond the Romantic movement; it is open to the individual consciousness of the national historical experience and is regarded by Pushkin as a stronghold and guarantee of its impregnable belief.
Keywords: Romanticism,
ethnic and cultural identity,
national character,
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