Cultural and historical content of the homo universalis concept
The article explores the cultural and historical content of the concept of homo universalis and justifies its relevance to the modern philosophy of culture. This concept correlates with the concept of a harmonious personality as a carrier of various cultural traditions, able to combine them into a single whole, standing out their individual “life world”. Man as a “universe” or as a universal integrity is a productive theoretical abstraction that allows us to understand the main imperative of personal development in culture. It is shown that the basis of human universality is the reproduction in culture of the universal model of being in general, which determines the semantic orientation of a person in the world. This model can generally be defined as the “basic myth” of culture (the victory of the cosmos over chaos), and its historical specification corresponds to three historical types of cultures – cosmocentric, theocentric, and anthropocentric. The author shows the specifics of the embodiment of human universality in traditional and post-traditional cultures (in the latter – in art and in philosophy).
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