DOI: 10.18413/2408-932X2020-6-3-0-3

Depiction of ‘double consciousness’in the story byM. Muhammad Dost “Return to Galatepa”

The article analyzes the images of Toshpolat Haybarova and Samad from the story ‘Return to Galatepa’ by M. Muhammad Dost as social and psychological typeы. It describes the objective and subjective factors of formation of these images. The ironical attitude of the author and the heroes to reality is studied in connection with the changes taking place in the minds of intelligentsia of that time, and their interrelations are substantiated. It has been proven that the ironical attitude of Toshpolat Haybarov is the result of his personal adaptation to the existing realities but ‘double consciousness’ peculiar to Samad is the essence of social adaptations to conditions of Soviet reality. On the example of the story spiritual and moral peculiarities of the representatives of intelligentsia relating to different generations are considered. Social realities of the 1970s – 1980-s are considered as the continuation of the 60s of the last century.

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