The genesis of the medieval Russian legal tradition: historical and cultural aspect
The problems associated with the formation of the medieval Russian legal tradition and legal system have long been in the center of attention of both Russian and foreign historians and legal scholars. Over the past decades, this problem has been considered from sometimes the most unexpected sides and from different angles. However, its resolution has not yet been reached. Even in such a matter as the influence of the Byzantine legal tradition on the Russian, where consensus is inevitable at the first glance, there are discrepancies. The famous Russian philosopher and culturologist V.M. Zhivov once proposed an original version of the peculiarities of the reception of the Byzantine legal tradition in Russia and, accordingly, the formation of a "subsidiary" in relation to the Byzantine Russian legal culture. The author of the article, starting from the one proposed by V.M. Zhivov scheme, offers her own vision of this problem, supplemented in a number of key aspects and expanded in comparison with the basic vision of the problem.
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