DOI: 10.18413/2408-932X-2020-6-4-0-4

University: from its foundation to the ruins… And back? (The question of correlation of Hegel’s "university-logia" and B. Readings’ "university-machia")

The article deals with the issue of prospects for the development of the University in the works of G.V.F. Hegel and B. Readings. The main method of creating the article is to compare the following works: Hegel's letters "Teaching philosophy in universities" (1816); "Teaching philosophy in high schools" (1822) and the book by B. Readings "University in ruins" (1994). There are several centers around which the Hegel and Ridings paradigms converge or stand in opposition, within which the state of University education is analyzed. One of the main points of discussion is the attitude of the University to the national culture, as far as the University can be correlated with the national culture. Hegel insisted that there is an indissoluble link between the University and the national culture. Ridings argued the opposite, stating that in the modern University there is a separation from any form of national culture. A particular tension between the texts of Hegel and Readings arises in determining the degree of authority and legitimacy of University education. Hegel insisted that the original authority of a University is formed from trust and maintaining authority in the acquisition of University knowledge. Readings believes that the modern University has lost its epistemological legitimacy. One of the most important themes of the University's mission comes up in the subject of University performance. Hegel insisted that the main result of the University is the "production" of the beautiful. The main result for Readings is the University's desire for "excellence", understood in the context of globalism and the market economy. The equivalent of a University center today, according to Readings, is not a Professor, but an administrator. Focusing on the administrator leads to a problem that was unknown to Hegel: the qualimetry of University activities, the emergence of a "new logic" of accounting, and the role of digitization of University education. This topic is directly related to the issue of utilitarianism and commercialization of the University, which is acutely raised by Readings. Hegel and Ridings also take different positions on the specifics of time and space in the University world. Disparate differences are observed in the assessments of the subject of education, in the understanding of the role and ideal of the University student. In conclusion, the results of possible prospects for the development of modern University education are summarized.

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