Hannah Arendt's Social Kafkaism. The hermeneutic experiment of 1933 and 1944
The article analyzes the early work of H. Arendt "Franz Kafka: A revaluation" (1944). This is a kind of hermeneutic experience or social understanding that develops as H. Arendt interprets F. Kafka's novels (The Castle and The Trial). Substantially, this Arendt’s article is far from aesthetic-literary formalization; it is neither literary criticism nor an example of literary historicism. Arendt reads Kafka “directly”, as his contemporary, through the prism of her socio-political reality, in which her own identity is in question. The article shows that H. Arendt's intense social activity and her first experiments in social research were predetermined by her experience of reading Kafka's novels and complemented each other in this early period of her philosophical work (1930-40s), becoming a kind of methodological precedent for her major works.
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