
Research Result. Social Studies and Humanities

Volume 7, Issue №2, 2021 PDF

The interindividual nature of the self: complementarity of symbolic interactionism to C. Jung's concept of the collective unconscious

The problem of building a picture of the world is closely related to the formation of a person's own image of themselves. Questions related to the definition of a person's ...

Hannah Arendt's Social Kafkaism. The hermeneutic experiment of 1933 and 1944

The article analyzes the early work of H. Arendt "Franz Kafka: A revaluation" (1944). This is a kind of hermeneutic experience or social understanding that develops as H. Arendt interprets F. ...

The Ontology of the Sacred and the Phenomenology of the Mythological in Archaic Property Practices

Philosophers and theologians of antiquity were preoccupied with the problem of the origins of human existence and consciousness, but this remains a mystery for modern scientists, naturalists and humanitarians. The ...

The problem of the vocation of the Varangians and the formation of Russian national identity in the Russian historiography of the 19th century

One of the most important problems that exist in Russian historical science and philosophy, starting with the grandiose, but extremely contradictory Peter's transformations, is the problem of the crisis of ...

Michael Psellos as an interpreter of hymnographic texts

Many Byzantine authors dedicated their works not only to secular themes, but also to spiritual texts. During the 12th century, commentaries on liturgical texts were a very popular genre in ...

The concept of “aggiornamento” in the assessment of the Vatican II by Henry de Lubac

This article examines the key concept Vatican II (1962-1965) "aggiornamento" from the perspective of Henri de Lubac, a prominent theologian and Council expert. For detection of the concept we used ...

The fractured consciousness of the time hero: dialogicity in A. Chulpan's novel “Night and Day”

The article is devoted to the study of the topical problem of reflecting the dialogic consciousness of a person in literary texts, using the example of the novel “Night and ...

Metamodern Sensibility in Art of Olga Molchanova-Permyakova

The article is devoted to the analysis of the functioning of metamodernism in the contemporary fine arts of Russia. Metamodernism is a new chronotypological stage, which boundaries were outlined in ...

The Phenomenon of Cadence in Mozart's Sextet in F-Major (A Musical Joke) K. 522

Topical to this day, the final cadence of Mozart's Sextet (A Musical Joke) K. 522 is attracting the audiences with its harmonic and tonal boldness and a powerful contrast against the ...

The philosophy of Sports in the Traditional Society of Ancient China

In this article, the authors consider the phenomenon of sports in traditional ancient Chinese societyб based on the study of the memoir, historical and philosophical literature of Ancient China. The ...

Letters from O. A. Danilevskaya to N. N. Strakhov (a "report" on the meeting with L. N. Tolstoy)

More than 16 years of friendship and, most importantly – ideological and spiritual closeness, connected the outstanding cultural scientist, thinker and natural scientist Nikolai Ya. Danilevsky with the philosopher, critic and ...

Theological properties of personality and cooperation in pedagogy: semantic accents

The article explores the features of the theological and anthropological approach to understanding the essence of personality along with other existing approaches; a theological analysis of the properties of personality ...

Leviathan and Hippo. The phenomenon of the police in the context of ideas about the sovereign and the citizen

The article analyzes the philosophical and political problems of the police as an institution of public security, designed to carry out its functions outside of politics, to serve the entire ...

Interpretation of everyday life as a set of “life worlds” and “worlds of experience”

Consideration of the main theoretical and methodological approaches in the study of everyday culture allows us to understand it as a subsystem in the integral «mother» cultural matrix. The article ...

Development of historical and anthropological knowledge about the Central Asian region in the Western Europe and USA

Strengthening of integration processes in the world, transformation of modern identity and the risk of losing "self", as well as a decrease in the sense of unity in a multiethnic ...