Theological properties of personality and cooperation in pedagogy: semantic accents
The article explores the features of the theological and anthropological approach to understanding the essence of personality along with other existing approaches; a theological analysis of the properties of personality in the context of contemporary research in the field of theology of personality is conducted; the main conclusions are compared with the justification and solution of the problem of cooperation of participants in the educational process. Collaboration in pedagogy is understood as a way of realizing personal qualities in practical activities, and is associated with personal qualities that need to be developed in pupils. The theology of personality allows us to speak about the existential unity of the natural-personal ontology, which is rooted and depends on the Divine being of the Three Persons of the Holy Trinity. Such properties of personality as freedom, uniqueness, communication, openness, creativity, and others are interrelated, distinguishable in personality, inseparable in the practice of cooperation and are its theological and anthropological basis. The theological vision of the qualities of personality opens new perspectives for the teacher in cooperation with parents, allowing them to see the child holistically, contributes to their harmonious development.
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