Leviathan and Hippo. The phenomenon of the police in the context of ideas about the sovereign and the citizen
The article analyzes the philosophical and political problems of the police as an institution of public security, designed to carry out its functions outside of politics, to serve the entire society as a whole. Turning to the classical doctrine of the state by Th. Hobbes in the interpretations of С. Schmitt and J. Agamben, the author analyzes the social whole and comes to the conclusion that neither the liberal nor the authoritarian models of modern democracy insure the subject and object of protection and ordering against excesses. As a result, two problems can be identified that can be considered constitutive for the police, revealing its complex assembly in the context of 1) unity in a multitude of national communities and the problem of sovereignty – a controversial source of the police institution; 2) the related security problem, which is difficult to correlate with the previous level, problematizing the relationship between the police and the political.
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