DOI: 10.18413/2408-932X-2021-7-2-0-14

Interpretation of everyday life as a set of “life worlds” and “worlds of experience”

Consideration of the main theoretical and methodological approaches in the study of everyday culture allows us to understand it as a subsystem in the integral «mother» cultural matrix. The article offers the author's understanding of the «Evenk everyday life» in the context of Chinese culture and the identification of its axiological potential, which is important for solving common cultural problems of the peoples of the North. The samples of the Evenk ethnic group describe some specific features of the daily culture of the Evenks, a unique people whose traditions in their cultural genesis go back to the early stages of the history of Chinese ethnic groups, demonstrate a close semiotic and semantic connection, unity with the natural complex in the “man – nature” paradigm. It is shown that against the general background of multi-ethnicity and the strengthening of integration trends in the life of small peoples, their cultural traditions are particularly vulnerable. The authors’ judgments are based on the assumption that today's study of everyday life is legitimately associated with the methodological idea of its reconstruction from the differences of individual “life worlds”.

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