DOI: 10.18413/2408-932X-2021-7-2-0-15

Development of historical and anthropological knowledge about the Central Asian region in the Western Europe and USA

Strengthening of integration processes in the world, transformation of modern identity and the risk of losing "self", as well as a decrease in the sense of unity in a multiethnic society – all this gives rise to the need for scientific research on the study of identity. Today in the world there are several institutes and centers for the study of the identity of Uzbeks and other peoples of Central Asia. The questions of religious (Islamic) identity, gender relations, cultural heritage, Soviet policy in relation to local culture (REEI, IU Bloomington; IEAS, UC Berkeley; CEERES, UChicago (USA), etc.); issues of studying history, archeology, ethnology, anthropology, linguistics, migration processes of the peoples of Central Asia and the Caucasus (RSAA, Cambridge; SOAS, ULondon; SSS, UManchester (Great Britain), etc.); issues of Uzbek identity and identification, Islamic culture and identity, holy places, theoretical anthropology (Max Planck ISA (Germany)); and also some centers in Europe (ESCAS, CASCA) and the USA (CESS), etc. continue their research. The above scientific projects, which are aimed at researching the (national, ethnic) identity of Uzbeks, also show the relevance and importance of this topic on an international scale. The purpose of this article is to show the dynamics of the development of this knowledge in the West and the United States, focusing especially on the identity of the Uzbek people. According to foreign studies of the identity of Central Asian peoples, the development of scientific knowledge in this direction is divided into several stages. The reference point of the “symbolic” beginning of the study of the studied topic is the end of World War II, since most of the Western grants for the study of the Muslim world (region) and its identity began in the post-war period. The study of each period has its own reason, purpose and objectives, subject and methodology, features and results. The article briefly reveals the nature and characteristics of each period. At the end of the article, we will try to give our reasoning and conclusions on the selected problem.

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