The phenomenon of being in the structure of permanent modernity
The article is attempts to understand the foundations and dynamics of culture through the relationship of pure and mediated being, the dialogue of being and the living, man and man, man and being, where all these dialogue relations form a common universe located in the subject-subject polylogue, dialogicity, cognitive and creative activity which turn out to be its immanent properties. The relevance of the work is connected with the search for an answer to questions about the essence of the subject (either it exists or it is crossed out), its role and significance in culture and the universe; about the structure of the universe itself; and also with the opportunity to more clearly and fully, perhaps in a slightly different way, consider the phenomenology of culture. The work is based on the concepts of A.V. Pavlov, J. Lacan, Hegel, E. Husserl, M. Buber, M. Heidegger, J.-P. Sartre, C. Meillassoux, G. Harman; its conceptual framework is the theory of permanent modernity as a special situation of the relationship between man and time, from which, thanks to which, the matrix of culture arises. As a result, a conclusion is made about the structural heterogeneity and complexity of being, which is a kind of creative actor that sets (and creates) opportunities, the attributes of which are self-deployment and dialogue with the living being that arises inside it as a partner and independent existence.
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