DOI: 10.18413/2408-932X-2023-9-1-0-2

Bridges over thunderstorms... Aspects of the spiritual and cultural methodology of S. S. Averintsev

Based on the writings of S. S. Averintsev, the article examines some aspects of the spiritual and cultural methodology that form the basis of the researcher's worldview. The following provisions are proposed to be considered as the key principles of Averintsev's methodology. First of all, it is a harmonious epistemology, combining verbal-phonetic and contemplative cognition, transforming into a symphonic dialogue, which, in turn, overcomes the framework of schematic communication, defining Averintsev's position as a spiritually significant act. Averintsev's methodology is characterized by a filigree ability to transform semantic counterpoints into a single whole, as well as close attention to those "junctions" of culture that ensure the cohesion and strength of the cultural world. To cover the entire panorama of Averintsev's methodology, the metaphor of "a bridge between cultures" is used, which allows one to see the peculiarities of Averintsev's construction of connecting links between cultural worlds. Spiritual and religious elevation acts as a defining moment in the formation of unfolding horizons capable of overcoming the flows of ignorance. The cementing composition for the cultural studies of Averintsev is the spiritual and religious memory in its reliance on the experience of the church understanding of historical time. Averintsev, in the process of building his methodological "bridge", uses a special scientific toolkit and scientific apparatus, which makes it possible to maintain the "strength" and spiritual and intellectual effectiveness of the principles of cognition. The result of crossing the "bridge between cultures" is the acquisition of spiritual health as a category of knowledge, including the comfort of the world and openness to the miraculous, the acquisition of spiritual and religious balance, ensuring the effectiveness of Averintsev's conclusions. In the context of transformed cognition, Averintsev forms an idea of a special perception of materiality, as well as a presentation of the text as an embodied miracle.

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