The problem of implementing the principle of semantic rationality in theological research
The article attempts to comprehend the possibility and necessity of implementing the “Principle of Semantic Rationality” in the course of conducting theological research. First, the problem of interpretation of religious terms is raised, formulated in the process of centuries-old theological research, transformed over time, sometimes acquiring opposite (contradictory) meanings. Attention is drawn to the specifics of working with terms that have existential meanings, characterized by some blurring of terminological boundaries, differences in their understanding (interpretation) not only in everyday and religious meanings, but also within the same religion, which causes significant disagreements leading to the emergence of different directions and schools As one example of the ambiguity of interpretation, examples of terminological contradictions in the definition of the concepts of soul (nafs) and spirit (ruh) in the Islamic theological tradition are given. The work provides a brief overview of three groups of encyclopedic and explanatory dictionaries recommended to help the theologian. The first group includes publications covering directly Islamic topics, the second group contains information concerning other religions, and the third group includes religious studies publications that are non-confessional in nature. In conclusion, it is noted that despite the presence of a significant number of authoritative encyclopedic publications, questions of multivariate interpretation of religious terms remain, which, on the one hand, complicates the research process, and on the other hand, stimulates reflection on their deep meanings.
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