The article deploys a philosophical discussion with a position presented in the work of E.V. Ilyenkov, «The Cosmology of the spirit». From the position of tragic humanism the author critically analyzes the views of E.V. Ilyenkov about the infinity of the Universe, his concept of «world rotation», and his hypothesis on the decisive role of the «thinking matter» in the transition of the matter («mother-nature») from the stage of dying to the beginning of a new cycle of its development.
Keywords: the infinity of the Universe,
«world rotation»,
the inexhaustibility of the universe,
the principle of infinitism,
tragic humanism.
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1. Ilyenkov, E. V. Philosophy and Culture. Moscow: Politizdat, 1991. 464 p.
2. Finogentov, V. N. Tragic Humanism: Essays on the Ontological, Anthropological and Axiological. Orel: Kartush, 2012. 333 p.
3. Finogentov, V. N. The Man on the Brink of Nothingness: Philosophical Etudes. Orel: Kartush, 2015. 247 p.