
Research Result. Social Studies and Humanities

Volume 9, Issue №3, 2023 PDF

What is perspectivism?

Since Nietzsche, the term “perspectivism” has been used as the name for an ill-defined epistemological position. Some have tried to find an adequate meaning for the word “perspectivism,” tacitly investing ...

The problem of defining the conceptual boundaries of the phenomenon of epistemological relativism

The article considers the main ways of conceptualizing the phenomenon of epistemological relativism in modern philosophy. Two traditions are singled out in assessing the functions and methodological prospects of epistemological ...

M. Gauchet's Theory of the Exit from the Religious: Another Reading of Secular Transformation of Society

The article considers the main points of the French historian and philosopher M. Gauchet's conception as applied to the specificity of the process of secularization in West-European society. The key points ...

V. F. Asmus and criticism of the fascist interpretation of Hegel

The article is devoted to the Soviet philosopher Valentin F. Asmus (1894–1975) and his criticism of the fascist (including Nazi) appropriation of Hegel's thought. The question of the interpretation of the ...

Why was Russia able to do it?
(toward the ontology of imperialism in Russian historical self-consciousness)

The study of its history through the prism of "imperial" discourse has gained popularity in Russia and abroad in recent decades. Within the framework of the so-called. "imperial studies" by ...

Hierarchy and ‘Sobornost’: Toward the Philosophy of Religious Identity of Old Orthodox Believers (Pomorian Church)

The article offers review and systematic characteristics of the religious and historical identity (or self-understanding) of the Old Orthodox Christians (Pomorians), who suffered for a long time in their standing ...

Aesthetics of attractiveness in architecture (dynamic meanings)

The article offers overview some semantic characteristics of the concept of attractiveness; the methodological relevance of the concept for research in the field of philosophy of architecture and conceptual and ...

Networked (virtual) artefacts as contemporary Siberian population's lifestyle markers in the context of the New Normal

The article describes the results of a methodological experiment to assess the contemporary psychological state of the members of a dual ontology society (real and virtual) through the analysis of ...

The phenomenon of Soviet fashion: the clash between socialist ideology and consumers' fashion desires

The author focuses on the phenomenon of Soviet fashion. A feature of the author's approach to the topic is the identification of ideological reasons for the formation of a gap ...

"Introduction to Active Theology" by Archbishop Evlampy (Pyatnitsky) (anthropological aspects)

The article examines the anthropological aspects of the manuscript "Introduction to Active theology" by the spiritual and academic writer of the first half of the 29th century, Archbishop Evlampy (Pyatnitsky). ...

The mission of ministry.
Experience of cultural (field) anthropology in Yamal in 2015–2016

The article is an experience of systematic commentary on diary entries made by the author of the article, a priest of the Russian Orthodox Church, during a long missionary trip ...

Effectiveness of bibliographic information (humanitarian and methodological aspects)

The article discusses the need to transform the traditional functions, directions and forms of bibliographic services of libraries in accordance with changes in information technology. Specialists of central regional libraries ...

Problem field of advertising ethics

The article is devoted to the study of the problem field of advertising ethics. An attempt has been made to analyze the concept of “advertising ethics” on the basis of ...

Multimodal and medialinguistic discourse analysis of video games (reflecting on Astrid Ensslin (2008), The Language of Gaming, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke and New York)

The article is devoted to the reconstruction and critical analysis of the communicative and medialinguistic optics of video game consideration, presented in the monograph of the German digital media researcher ...

“How historical is the Bible?” or “What ‘really’ happened?” (a review of the book: A. Desnitsky The Bible. What ‘really’ happened? Tanakh/The Old Testament. 2022)

Throughout its history, the books of Holy Scripture have been the subject of study by researchers and commentators of various religious schools and trends. Having gone from liberal Protestant exegesis ...