The philosophy of Sports in the Traditional Society of Ancient China
In this article, the authors consider the phenomenon of sports in traditional ancient Chinese societyб based on the study of the memoir, historical and philosophical literature of Ancient China. The features, the main sources, and the most popular sports characteristic of Ancient China were identified. Considering the connection between sports, traditional Chinese culture and philosophy, the authors of the article outline methodological approaches to the study of the phenomenon of sports. Revealing the specifics of the philosophy of sports as a branch of philosophical anthropology, the authors of the article come to the conclusion that the solution to the question of the connection between philosophy and sports in Ancient China should be sought in the specific features of ancient Chinese philosophical thought, primarily in the original teaching about man created by it. It is concluded that the fundamental categories and principles of Chinese philosophy determined the specifics of the traditional culture of China, and also had a significant impact on the formation of the Chinese culture.
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