God as a subject of the pre-Cartesian era
The purpose of this article is to advance and substantiate the thesis that the concept of God in the pre-Cartesian era was a peculiar way of reflecting their own subjectivity by humanity at a time when people were not yet ready to take existential responsibility on themselves (the subject speaks about themselves, but not from themselves, or from themselves, but not about themselves, as J. Lacan put it). To achieve the goal, the author bases on the ideas and methodology of A.V. Pavlov (polyfocality, ego-subjectivity of modernity), J. Lacan (structural psychoanalysis), M. Foucault (micro-power and practice of oneself). A number of literary and biblical texts were used to write the work.
In the course of the work, attention was paid to such features of the subject as: pragmatism, rationality, liberalism, morality, creativity, voluntarism and deviance.
As a result, it is concluded that the presence of the concept of «God», its gradual development, traced from the book of Genesis to the New Testament, shows the evolution of the reflection of mankind over its own subjectivity. Furthermore, it illustrates that the characteristics of the subject are invariable and do not depend on the historical epoch, do not have a link to space-time, which allows us to speak of the permanent nature of both the subject and the associated being-with-time-modernity.
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