Pure being as the prime meridian of culture
The article attempts to apply the Hegelian term «pure being» to the phenomenon of culture, to use the concept for a broader and more capacious understanding of the essence of culture, its connection with man and the universe, as well as directly man (carrier and condition of culture) and the universe (conditions of culture). The article is relevant, firstly, within the framework of S. Zizek’s call to return to Hegel and be terrorized by Hegel in order to better comprehend the present, and secondly, in the context of the ongoing ontological turn in philosophy, associated, among other things, with the so-called an object-oriented ontology that combines the concepts of a number of authors (K. Meillassoux, G. Harman, L. Bryant, etc.). The work is inevitably based on the works of G.W.F. Hegel, E. Husserl, M. Buber, M. Heidegger, J.-P. Sartre, as well as J. Lacan and A.V. Pavlova. Reflection on the essence and meaning of pure being as a phenomenon is carried out in the context of a situation of permanent modernity, which is a special relationship between man and being, in constant dialogue, co-creation and creation of culture as an Imaginary (Lacan) scene of the action of time/history.
As a result, a conclusion is made about pure being as a condition for the formation of culture and man, where man, the bearer of reason, is a necessary link in the evolution of pure being in and for himself for the sake of knowing himself at the moment of his unfolding.
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